
How it works: Also known as Dermaplaning, epi-blading is a painless procedure that involves the use of a surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells and fine, vellus hair. As well as smoothing rough skin, this treatment cleverly stimulates new collagen growth – leaving your skin glowing. Our epi-blading treatment includes aromatherapy, double cleanse, alga mask, neck and shoulder massage and finishing creams. Please note, it will not stimulate or worsen hair growth in any way.

Ideal for: Anyone wanting an effective exfoliation, especially those with sensitive skin that cannot tolerate more intensive treatments. Epi- Blading is not suitable for those who have cystic acne, open wounds, infections, rosacea, psoriasis or dermatitis in the area to be treated. There’s no down time after an epi-blading session so you can return to work or go out immediately afterwards (although you will need to avoid direct sun exposure for 5-10 days).

Single treatment – $135

three pack - $350

ADD ON LED - $49